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[석사학위 논문심사 안내]2021년12월09일(목) 13시~/김유승(20203742)



기술경영전문대학원 석사학위 논문심사를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.   

1. 학 과: 기술경영전문대학원

2. 학 생 명: 김유승 (학번 : 20203742 )

3. 논문제목:

(국문) 디지털 성숙도 모델을 이용한 리테일 산업의 디지털 전환 전략 분석

(영문) Analysis of Digital Transformation Strategies in the Retail Industry Using Digital Maturity Model


4. Abstract

Since the beginning of the fourth Industrial Revolution Era, various innovation strategies have been developed and applied to all industries. Typically, digital transformation (DX) is one of the prevalent innovation strategies that efficiently manage huge data flow based on network and cloud technologies. However, implementation of DX is a novel and complicated strategy that may thoroughly alter the constitution of a company. However, there is a lack of available research and guidance for corporate executives to implement DX strategies. Meanwhile, current studies are insufficient to analyze and evaluate DX implemented cases, which is inadequate to help corporate management to choose appropriate strategies.

This study proposed an offline-based retail company digital maturity model for analyzing the DX implementation in corporates from Hypermarket, a field where DX is being actively used across the retail industry. Additionally, the employment of Tobin's q, an index used to analyze the operating situation of a corporate, aims to help companies setting goals through the analysis of corporate value and external competitions. Our study has revealed that the higher the stage of digital maturity, the steadier of the corporate value and the better the management strategy. The digital maturity model developed specifically for offline retail industry in this study may help corporate executives to evaluate those companies in the mature DX stage and then incorporate suitable DX strategy to their companies.


5. 심사위원장: 이덕희 교수

6. 심사위원: 한승헌 교수, 김숙경 교수

7. 심사일시: 20211209(목요일) 오후1



8. 심사장소: N5 L라운지 (2124)