[박사학위 논문심사 안내]2022년11월22일(화) 15시~/김병진(학번:20135361)
기술경영전문대학원 박사학위 논문심사를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.
1. 학 과: 기술경영전문대학원
2. 학 생 명: 김 병 진 (학번 : 20135361)
3. 논문제목:
(국문) 피트니스 애플리케이션 사용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구
(영문) A study of factors influencing users' intention to use fitness applications
4. Abstract
Fitness applications are becoming a tool for users who want to exercise and diet. This study
examines what factors affect users' intention to use fitness applications. This study mainly
consists of two studies. The first study was conducted with potential users of fitness apps. The
first study examines what factors affect users' intention to use fitness applications and how they
depend on users' gender, health status, and social support, reflecting individual differences. The
results showed that for potential fitness application users, performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, hedonic motivation, and perceived privacy protection were significant variables;
however, social influence was insignificant. Factors influencing users' intention to use fitness
applications will vary depending on gender, health status, and social support. The second study
was conducted with fitness app users. The second study examines how reward affects continued
use of fitness applications. Respondents were divided into two groups at random, an extrinsic
reward group and a non-extrinsic reward group, to check the effects of the rewards. Factors
influencing a user's continuous intention to use fitness applications will vary depending on
whether rewards are provided. For the extrinsic reward group, perceived enjoyment and
perceived privacy protection were significant variables to continue use of a fitness application.
However, for the non-extrinsic reward group, monetary value was a significant variable. Through
these two studies, the following implications were confirmed. Factors influencing potential and
continuing users of fitness apps appear different. Also, it was found that factors influencing users
to continue to use a fitness app vary depending on whether or not extrinsic rewards are
5. 심사위원장: 이의훈 교수님
6. 심사위원: 조항정, 이덕희, 송찬후, 이철호 교수님
7. 심사일시: 2022년 11 월 22 일( 화 요일) 오후 15:00 ~ 16:30
8. 심사장소: N22동 5층 회의실