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[박사학위 논문심사 안내]2023년 10월 26일(목) 17시~/홍준영(학번:20165405)




기술경영전문대학원 박사학위 논문심사를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.   


1. 학 과: 기술경영전문대학원

2. 학 생 명: 홍준영 (학번 : 20165405)

3. 논문제목:

(국문) 특허수율 변동 요인에 관한 연구

(영문) A Study on the factors affecting the changes of patent yield

4. Abstract

Technological innovation is an important driver of economic growth, and countries and firms are competitively investing in research and development to achieve technological innovation. The efficiency of investment in research and development can be expressed as the patent yield, which is defined as the amount of patent production compared to research and development costs. Patent yields tend to decline over the long term in many countries, but can also increase in the short-term depending on the country, industry, or time period. In particular, in the case of the United States, the patent yield increased rapidly in the 1990s and decreased again in the 2000s. Existing studies have focused on the phenomenon of short-term decrease or increase in patent yield, but there is a lack of research on the phenomenon of repeated increases and decreases in patent yield over the long term. Accordingly, this study examined the patent yield affecting factors which are pointed out in previous studies across multiple countries, multiple industries, and a long period of time (1985 to 2014). According to this study, technological opportunities and national industrial competitiveness were found to have a positive effect on patent yield. The results of this study suggest that the surge in U.S. patent yield in the 1990s was due to the combined effects of improved technological opportunity, improved industrial competitiveness, and increased patent value, and that the decline of U.S. patent yield in the 2000s was due to the decline of U.S. industrial competitiveness rather than a decrease in patent value.

5. 심사위원장: 김원준

6. 심사위원: 이덕희, 한승헌, 정현주, 박정규

7. 심사일시: 2023 10  26 (목요일) 오후 17



8. 심사장소: N5 2113