[석사학위 논문심사 안내]2024년 6월 10일(월) 오전11시30분~/김도현(학번:20223756)
By.Teaching Assistant
기술경영전문대학원 석사학위 논문심사를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.
1. 학 과: 기술경영전문대학원
2. 학 생 명: 김도현 (학번 : 20223756 )
3. 논문제목:
(국문) e-헬스 리터러시가 혁신기술로 제조한 백신의 수용에 미치는 영향
(영문) The effect of e-health literacy on the adoption intention of innovative vaccines
4. Abstract
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed theprocess in which vaccines are developed and distributed. This change gave riseto vaccines that are made with new technology which can be developed in ashorter period of time compared to traditional vaccines. Informing the publicabout innovative vaccine technology and by extension the public’s ability toreceive such information is becoming increasingly important. This paperexplores the relationship between e-health literacy and the adoption intentionof innovative vaccines by using a combination of theoretical models includingthe technology acceptance model (TAM) and the health belief model (HBM). Anonline survey was conducted to measure the variables in consideration and theresults show the relationship between e-health literacy, perceived benefits and the adoption intention of innovative vaccines are supported with reasonable validity. The results of this study suggest how governments and healthcareinstitutions can approach increasing vaccine uptakes in the case of futureinfectious disease outbreaks, as well as contributing to the field of innovativetechnology perception especially in the context of traditional products.
5. 심사위원장: 조항정
6. 심사위원: 이덕희, 이철호
7. 심사일시: 2024 년 6월 10 일(월요일) 오전 11시 30분
8. 심사장소: N22 동 5층 세미나실