[석사학위 논문심사 안내]2024년 12월 04일(수) 16시~/김희재(학번:20233874)
기술경영전문대학원 석사학위 논문심사를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.
1. 학 과: 기술경영전문대학원
2. 학 생 명: 김희재 (학번 : 20233874)
3. 논문제목:
(국문) 오염 자산 처분에 대한 규제 영향: 미국 내 GHGRP에 대한 기업의 전략적 대응
(영문) Regulatory Impacts on Pollutive Asset Divestitures : Corporate Strategic Responses to GHGRP in the U.S.
4. Abstract
This study examines the impact of environmental regulations on corporate divestiture strategies, with a specific focus on the
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) in the United States. The findings reveal that regulated firms are more likely
to divest high-pollution assets (brown assets) compared to non-regulated firms, a trend that becomes even more pronounced
following GHGRP disclosure. By employing Difference-in-Differences (DID) and Propensity Score Matching with Difference-in-Differences
(PSM-DID) methodologies, this study quantitatively assesses changes in corporate behavior before and after the introduction of regulation.
The results provide critical evidence that environmental regulations can drive significant strategic responses, such as increased brown
asset divestitures, among regulated firms.
5. 심사위원장: 엄지용
6. 심사위원: 김형철, 김의석
7. 심사일시: 2024년 12월 04일(수요일) 오후 4시
8. 심사장소: N5 동 2125 호