The advancement of digital technologies, represented by artificial intelligence, is fundamentally transforming human civilization. As technology evolves, new market demands emerge, intensifying competition among companies. Governments worldwide are also striving to discover new growth engines. The driving force behind the development of both businesses and nations is innovation. It has become common knowledge that companies or countries that fail to innovate cannot survive.
Technology management involves forecasting technological changes, generating innovative ideas, and enhancing corporate competitiveness through product planning, research and development, and commercialization. Technology that is not effectively managed is unsustainable, and management without a technological foundation lacks competitiveness. Only when technology and management are seamlessly integrated can true innovation take place, serving as a foundation for further advancement.
At KAIST I&TM, we foster future leaders who possess a comprehensive understanding of theory and practice from a convergence perspective of technology and management. Our program equips students with strategic thinking skills and the ability to make sound decisions. Additionally, we provide the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience necessary to drive innovation across various fields, including entrepreneurship and business management.
KAIST I&TM offers the most creative and innovative learning environment in Korea, supported by a distinguished faculty. As the dean, I am committed to ensuring that you fully experience the value of technology management and innovation education. We invite you to unleash your full potential at KAIST I&TM.
Hangjung Zo