Invited Professor / School of Business and Technology Management, Graduate Program for Innovation & Technology Management
Entrepreneurship, Venture Creation
+82-(0)42-350-4913 ∥ N5, #2119
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship Venture Creation Technology Based Entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Venture’s Customer Development and Lean Startup Venture’s Business Model and Marketing Strategy
ITM502 기업가정신 (Entrepreneurship) ITM610 벤처창업의 이론과 실제 (Formation and Implementation of Entrepreneurial Ventures) MSB351 기술창업론 (Technology Based Entrepreneurship)
2005.2 MBA, Ajou University 1989.8 Ph.D in Production Engineering, KAIST 1986.2 MS in Production Engineering, KAIST 1984.2 BS in Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
Major Career
2017.9~ 현재 KAIST 기술경영학부, 기술경영전문대학원 초빙교수 2015.8~2017.8 한양대학교 산학협력중점교수 (기술창업 및 기업가정신 강의, 창업지도) 2014.8~2014.12 한국생산기술연구원 전문위원 2013.8~2017.8 벤처기업 공동창업, 창업기업 육성, 창업교육 및 지도 2011.7~2013.7 ㈜다이나믹모션 대표이사(CEO) (벤처캐피탈 투자와 연계하여 해외사업 운영경험) 2004.1~2011.1 삼성전기(주) 상무 (기반기술센터장, 정밀사업팀장) 1990.8~2003.12 삼성전기(주) CAD/CAM/CAE 연구실장